目前分類:旅行 (Travelling) (6)

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#1. 窗台上的沉思

Nikon FM10 || Nikkor 105mm f/2.5 || Fuji 71112 FG 80 D 電影底片 || 減感 ISO 50 拍 || 在家手工沖片


#2. 窗格中的凝視

Nikon FM10 || Nikkor 105mm f/2.5 || Fuji 71112 FG 80 D 電影底片 || 減感 ISO 50 拍 || 在家手工沖片


#3. 屋頂上的視若無賭

Nikon FM10 || Nikkor 105mm f/2.5 || Fuji 71112 FG 80 D 電影底片 || 減感 ISO 50 拍 || 在家手工沖片


#4. 不計較坦腹東床

Nikon FM10 || Nikkor 105mm f/2.5 || Fuji 71112 FG 80 D 電影底片 || 減感 ISO 50 拍 || 在家手工沖片


#5. 專注擺 pose

Nikon FM10 || Nikkor 105mm f/2.5 || Fuji 71112 FG 80 D 電影底片 || 減感 ISO 50 拍 || 在家手工沖片


#6. 完全不必怕生

Nikon FM10 || Nikkor 105mm f/2.5 || Fuji 71112 FG 80 D 電影底片 || 減感 ISO 50 拍 || 在家手工沖片


#7. 揚貴妃般的豐滿

Nikon F4S || Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 || AGFA APX 100 || 增感 2 格 || 在家手工沖片


#8. 貓味百分百的背對

Nikon F4S || Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 || AGFA APX 100 || 增感 2 格 || 在家手工沖片


#9. 隨緣客自便囉

Nikon F4S || Nikkor 85mm f/1.8 || AGFA APX 400 || 增感 2 格 || 在家手工沖片


#10. 自玩一二三木頭人

Nikon F4S || Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 || AGFA APX 100 || 增感 2 格 || 在家手工沖片


#11. 心情不好的時候

Nikon F4S || Nikkor 85mm f/1.8 || AGFA APX 100 || 增感 2 格 || 在家手工沖片


#12. 幻想自己鞋子不見

Nikon F4S || Nikkor 85mm f/1.8 || AGFA APX 400 || 增感 2 格 || 在家手工沖片



現在,除了尋貓地圖外,還有貓咪小公寓和貓友社的 sign 呢!

a. 貓咪特許.人類立入禁止

Nikon F4S || Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 || AGFA APX 100 || 增感 2 格 || 在家手工沖片


b. 彩色風車.貓友社招牌

Nikon F4S || Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 || AGFA APX 100 || 增感 2 格 || 在家手工沖片


以上只是底掃的數位版影像… 但如果您看過真正用傳統放大機的 8" x 10" 版的話,一定會想說 "怎麼差這麼多!?"。(我不是排斥數位影像,只是暗房放大做出來的相片真的就是不一樣!)

手工沖片哪裡學!? 底片攝影暗房的無窮魅力去那裡找人開示:


(順便幫 Max 老師打個廣告啦!兄弟姐妹們,還不快去打電話!?)

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原本還自以為檔次高得很!但高鐵往返一回後,事兒沒給辦多少倒是銀子去了不少。自個兒掂量掂量,只得硬著頭皮開著我那邁入第 15 個年頭的福斯紅小牛南北馳騁 (一開始還真有點兒擔心會在途中上演「小太陽」的情節,但至目前為止紅小牛都還算爭氣!阿彌陀佛)。來,先給我們家紅小牛一張特寫:

#1. 紅小牛.我的苦力.我的愛車

:Volkswagon POLO 1.6 手排 (第一代).單點噴射,高速巡航油粍:13.5 KM/L (1,350 KM / 100 L)

個人偏愛國道二高的車少寬敞、遠離市鎮、沿途地貌多變、植被層層;一俟過了龍潭、大園,風和日麗,兩側林木的青蔥翠綠在從雲層間渲洩而下的陽光中,上演著一波波一幕幕的光影大戲!上五檔、輕踩油門、在引擎低沈的聲浪中,一抹嫣紅劃開了載滿金光的層層綠浪,迎向多變不明的未來…「小太陽」情結煞時消失無蹤,取而代之的卻是 Clinton Eastwood Jr. 的「經典老爺車」(Gran Torio)…

經由北二高南北往返多次,我常去的服務區 (休息站) 有二:一是清水服務區 (台中),一是古坑服務區 (雲林)。當然,其他的服務區可能也各有特色,就留著日後慢慢地玩賞囉…

二高的清水服務區好看的是夜間戶外的燈光效果,夜拍如果加上星芒鏡應該會有不錯的影像,只可惜我到達的時間都是中午左右,只能對著豪華亮麗的餐飲區,藉著老鏡送上一些濃豔的照片囉… 大家加減看看啦!(說實話,全世界大概也只有台灣會下重金把一個高速公路休息服務區做得如此美侖美煥!感謝經營者新東陽如此地用心… )

#2. 嶲永祝福石?(有人說是香菇,嗯!很有想像力)

#3. 進門後第一層大廳上方的水母宮燈

#4. 旗魚條燒.略鹹 (不確定是當地特產或是日式美食?台北少見吶…)

#5. 少見的藍色水母 (另一個較大的水族箱中還有小魟魚,可惜不好取景)

#6. 竟然在這裡也能吃到 Ireland's Potato (唔…想到蜂蜜芥茉醬的溫潤酸甜…就)

#7. 造型宮燈.服務區第二層 - 頗有百貨公司地下餐飲區的架勢呢!

#8. 空中咖啡廳的招牌 (其後方還有法式牛排館、南洋風的露天餐廳呢!)

古坑服務區並不算大,但在進入服務區前那一片直挺挺的台灣櫟樹 (?) 整齊排開自是清爽悅目,或許在「車陣」中開久了,再看看這麼規矩的「樹陣」,自然而然地有一種精神 RESET 的功效。古坑服務區位於雲林縣境內,除了我愛吃的「大腸包香腸」外,也以台灣本地所產的咖啡聞名,其他特別調味的有「桂花咖啡」、「玻瑰咖啡」等,別處可喝不到呢!? 當然,也千萬別錯過了令人垂涎的「咖啡香腸」。休息區內的擺設,小而精緻,看得出在空間設計運用上有所著力!


#9. 古坑服務區前整齊的樹陣

#10. 第二小型車停車場另一側的草皮林地 (家庭野餐的好所在)

#11. 休息區內餐桌上打燈盆景.一

 [拜大光圈定焦鏡 + 柔焦星芒濾鏡 (Soft Cross) 之賜的夢幻影像…]

#12. 休息區內餐桌上打燈盆景.二

[拜大光圈定焦鏡 + 柔焦星芒濾鏡 (Soft Cross) 之賜的夢幻影像…]

#13. 音樂水舞.古坑服務區 (可惜當時是陰天)

攝影裝備 (Gear's Info)
相機 (Camera) -
Fujica ST801(SLR)
相機鏡頭 (Lens, M42 mount)
      Pentax Takumar, SMC 50mm / F1.4 (Skylight filter)
      Jupiter-9, MC 85mm / F2.0 (UV filter, Soft Cross)
      Carl Zeiss Jena, Flektongon MC, 35mm/ F2.8 (UV filter, Kenko CPL, Soft Cross)
閃光燈 (Flash) -
無.不使用 (N/A)
底片 (Film) - Kodak Gold 200

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#1. 愛河旁的中小學生花燈作品.一

註:Nikon FM10, Nikkor 50mm/F1.4, 手持拍攝。

#2. 愛河旁的中小學生花燈作品.二

註:Nikon FM10, Nikkor 50mm/F1.4, 手持拍攝。

#2. 愛河旁的中小學生花燈作品.三

註:Nikon FM10, Nikkor 50mm/F1.4, 手持拍攝。

A. 美勞作品的品質隨課業的壓力以及進入青春期的程度成反比。
B. 小學生父母親較年輕,創意和心思較活潑,也比較「顧面子」;國、高中生則得自己搞。
C. 小學生比較聽話,肯多花時間在團隊美勞創作上;國、高中生讀書、打工和結交異性朋友的時間都不夠了,搞這些五四三的不得不就只好「快速應個卬」囉。

#4. 愛河夜景.一

註:Nikon FM10, Nikkor 50mm/F1.4

#5. 愛河夜景.二

註:Fujica ST801, Pentacon G.D.R 135mm/F3.5

#6. 錯過回程北上高鐵 (買不到票) 的時間

註:Fujica ST801 搭配 Jupiter-9 85mm/F2, 手持拍攝。高鐵新左營站,像不像國外小機場的侯機室?

那一天 (2009-1-30) 高鐵不加班!農曆年假期耶,它竟然沒有加班車… (心中不禁泛起一句多年未用過的咒語:這真是「太麻里隔壁」了ㄋㄟ~!)

A. 23:51 新左營 ---> 嘉義 01:32
B. 01:32 嘉義 ---> 汐止 06:33

就在買了轉接車票後,站內所有的便利超商竟不約而同地清洗起咖啡機來時,這下子連想喝杯 35 元熱咖啡的機會也沒了… 只好在候車的同時,隨手拍拍新左營站內外的場景。

#7. 高鐵新左營站內

註:Nikon FM10, Nikkor 50mm/F1.4

#8. 高鐵新左營站外.接駁公車站

註:Nikon FM10, Nikkor 50mm/F1.4

#9. 新左營站.對面南下月台

註:Nikon FM10, Nikkor 50mm/F1.4


#10. 國造唐榮車體標示牌.1  (民國六十六年 = 1977 年)

註:Nikon FM10, Nikkor 50mm/F1.4

#11. 國造唐榮車體標示牌.2  (民國六十八年 = 1979 年)

註:Nikon FM10, Nikkor 50mm/F1.4


#12. 松山站的區間車 (06:15 am, 2009-01-31)

註:Nikon FM10, Nikkor 50mm/F1.4

我還是比較喜歡台鐵!高鐵嘛… 檔次太高了:票價高、姿態也高。時間雖省 (有現代化生活的快速步調),卻似乎少了些人味和融通性。所以,慢步調的環島之星,台鐵做得到,高鐵就根本不對那個味兒了!


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這不能算是九份影像記錄的第二集…因為是去年同一天拍的… 與前一篇不同的只是黑白與彩色影像的差異而已。。。
(Since the photos this article were actually taken at the same day last year as previous one, so it is not a sequal ... What is different mainly the images posted - it was black & white in previous article, while the color version from another camera in this one.)

當初,抱著實驗的心態同時帶兩部相機,想比較黑白和彩色底片在相同的場景和條件下,我是否能產生不同的影像情境。但事實卻證明了一件事:我個人多半會偏重其中的一部;自己不確定是受到當時的氣氛或心情的影響使然。(Well, I was trying to do an experiment - two cameras, one was loaded with black&white film, the other a color one - to see if I could come up different tastes using such a discrepancy under same scene and conditions.  It turned out that I could only be able to focus on one of two... not sure why though - atmosphere that moment, or actually my mood being in that place.) 

結果是,黑白底片先拍完,而彩色底片沒拍幾張,使得以下的影像一直到上週 (2/27) 拍完整卷後才得以送洗成像:(It ended up that I ran out the B&W film first, while only few got shot in color. Then I have been deeply in B&W mode working with my other cameras, till a recent day I managed to find a way back to color shooting. The reason why below images got developed and scanned into JPEG for posting week 02/23:)

#1. 茶室遠眺海景 (Bay view from a back yard of a tea house)

#2. 藍天下的磚樓 (Sky view that day)

#3. 氣氛不錯的室內魚池 (Lovely in-house fish pound)

#4. 地下茶室和美美的擺設 (Chatting area where cozy light tasting a nice pot of Taiwan tea)

#5. 自然採光與流水階梯 (Natural sun light comes down with watering escalation)

#6. 極富巧思的路標指示 (Indication for your next stops)

#7. 藝品展覽.1 (Art work demo -1)

(PS - In these tiles, the arts were actually taken from a master piece of Chin-Dinasty:a combination of Chinese drawing and western painting!)

#8. 藝品展覽.2 (Art work demo - 2)

(PS - I'm totally fine if these are the tiles in my bath room...)

#9. 老戲院的最後一部電影?
(An vintage movie poster still there, was it the last show played?)

#10. 用午後陽光佐茶 (Afternoon Sunshine, where we had a good rest after long walking)

#11. 天空之城的紅磚牆.1 (Vintage house built with red bricks -1)

#12. 天空之城的紅磚牆.2 (Vintage house built with red bricks -2)

#13. 花作 (Art work with flowers)

#14. 回程卻不捨那多變的雲天 (Amazing cloudy sky along way back)

#15. 民宅角亭 (An octagonal pavilion on top of a house down hill)

#16. 那天九份一日旅的終點:霞海城隍.昭靈廟 (The last stop for the day: Southern style Temple)

(This called for a day, and I certainly hope that all the good things are to well kept for long...)

攝影器材 (Equipment Spec.)
相機 (Camera): 
Nikon FM10
定焦鏡頭 (Lens):
Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm/f 1.4 (Manual mode)
Nikon Zoom-Nikkor 35-70mm/f 3.5~4.8 
濾鏡 (Filters):
UV, Skylight
底片 (Film): Kodak UltraMax 400

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去過九份,是多年前的事了… 上上個週未又再去暖一暖已經模糊了的記憶。


直覺地連想 (或許不當),它比諸星巴克是有過之而無不及:



相機 (Camera):Pentax Sportmatic SLR
鏡頭 (Lens):Asahi SMC Takumar 50mm/F1.4
底片 (Film):Kodak T-Max 100
後製軟體 (Postproduction software):PhotoCap 4.2 (國人開發軟體,請多支持)























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Definitely too short for me to enjoy the days in Brno - two days training session plus two days flights between Asia and Europe. Thanksfully, I met great peoples, excellent tutor (Pasquale), fruitful learning in workshop as well as all the talents from Jonckers and also amazing dinners in two stylish restaurantes - that made it all worthy for me....

Since I got poisoned with old cameras and lens (for months) - I still decided to have my new (old) toys to be with me this trip, even though I knew that there could be only few hours to enjoy that very moment diving into the air, the view, and the light....

A short brief to what I had with me:
Camera: PENTAX Sportmatic, M42 (TM)
Lens: Carl Zeiss Jena Pencolar, 50mm / F1:1.8
           Carl Zeiss Jena, 135mm / F1:3.5
           Tamron MC, 28mm / F1:2.8
Film: FUJICHROME (Daylight), Velvia 100F (unfortunately, it expired on 2008.05  )

Here are the photos I took along my way, they might be kinda cliche but hay I'm also new to the wonderland. So here we go...

> Things got broed after 10+ hours flight - so the shooting actually got started in the air :-)

> Jack and I met at Frankfurt, took a same flight to Prague, and spending for 2 hours waiting for connected flight Prague to Brno. Guess what we can do!?

> Then, Vincent showed up (what a suprise!). Well, when boys got together....

> We three headed for Brno office directly so to catch up the team and for the dinner in a cute restaurante... (unfortunately, I'm too hungry to take photos for everyone.)

PS - Martin Vesely, I have to say that you are the man with characteristcs and a kind heart. Are you sure you are not NF type!? And congratulate for the new role - OPM @ Brno!

* According to Pasquale, the wine is good. However, I got alergy to the alcho so in most of the time I took voda only. Well, sparkling one definitely tasted better than the dead one.
** Fumarle e fumarle ~~~ I'll never tired to hear the Itanian from Pasquale

PS - Errr, I was planning to take a shot for Catherine yet Anthony looked also good though the lens. A Greek who speaks lot of languages and in a fast way, amazing!

> The attendants were all staying in Hotel Slavia, and thanks to Vlad's arrangement we got transportation every morning and evening so I could have a few minutes to collect photos when waiting for the bus.

> After two days training sessions, I was a bit in a sad mood that I was about to leave all the nice peoples and the beautiful land. To keep the feeling of the air, the lights, and also the unbearable lost... I rush back to hotel and went out to a castle nearby - Die Burg Spielberg (in German), Hrad Spilberk (in the Czech language), the Spilberk Castle in English.

PS - For more information to this castle, click here.

Due to limited time, I could not visit the exhibitions held inside yet the sights and view of it's getting merged into the sundown - I would rather skip my dinner.

> Then, the light was fading away all of a sudden... 
Light is limited and so does
 the time for everyone.

> It was planned to go to a church for a next run, yet I really needed to get packed up for my early flight at 05:15 am. So, I gave it a sho0t only in a distance.

PS - It took me 20 hours for home Brno to Taipei, 2 hours shorter for Go-Trip.

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