這不能算是九份影像記錄的第二集…因為是去年同一天拍的… 與前一篇不同的只是黑白與彩色影像的差異而已。。。
(Since the photos this article were actually taken at the same day last year as previous one, so it is not a sequal ... What is different mainly the images posted - it was black & white in previous article, while the color version from another camera in this one.)

當初,抱著實驗的心態同時帶兩部相機,想比較黑白和彩色底片在相同的場景和條件下,我是否能產生不同的影像情境。但事實卻證明了一件事:我個人多半會偏重其中的一部;自己不確定是受到當時的氣氛或心情的影響使然。(Well, I was trying to do an experiment - two cameras, one was loaded with black&white film, the other a color one - to see if I could come up different tastes using such a discrepancy under same scene and conditions.  It turned out that I could only be able to focus on one of two... not sure why though - atmosphere that moment, or actually my mood being in that place.) 

結果是,黑白底片先拍完,而彩色底片沒拍幾張,使得以下的影像一直到上週 (2/27) 拍完整卷後才得以送洗成像:(It ended up that I ran out the B&W film first, while only few got shot in color. Then I have been deeply in B&W mode working with my other cameras, till a recent day I managed to find a way back to color shooting. The reason why below images got developed and scanned into JPEG for posting week 02/23:)

#1. 茶室遠眺海景 (Bay view from a back yard of a tea house)

#2. 藍天下的磚樓 (Sky view that day)

#3. 氣氛不錯的室內魚池 (Lovely in-house fish pound)

#4. 地下茶室和美美的擺設 (Chatting area where cozy light tasting a nice pot of Taiwan tea)

#5. 自然採光與流水階梯 (Natural sun light comes down with watering escalation)

#6. 極富巧思的路標指示 (Indication for your next stops)

#7. 藝品展覽.1 (Art work demo -1)

(PS - In these tiles, the arts were actually taken from a master piece of Chin-Dinasty:a combination of Chinese drawing and western painting!)

#8. 藝品展覽.2 (Art work demo - 2)

(PS - I'm totally fine if these are the tiles in my bath room...)

#9. 老戲院的最後一部電影?
(An vintage movie poster still there, was it the last show played?)

#10. 用午後陽光佐茶 (Afternoon Sunshine, where we had a good rest after long walking)

#11. 天空之城的紅磚牆.1 (Vintage house built with red bricks -1)

#12. 天空之城的紅磚牆.2 (Vintage house built with red bricks -2)

#13. 花作 (Art work with flowers)

#14. 回程卻不捨那多變的雲天 (Amazing cloudy sky along way back)

#15. 民宅角亭 (An octagonal pavilion on top of a house down hill)

#16. 那天九份一日旅的終點:霞海城隍.昭靈廟 (The last stop for the day: Southern style Temple)

(This called for a day, and I certainly hope that all the good things are to well kept for long...)

攝影器材 (Equipment Spec.)
相機 (Camera): 
Nikon FM10
定焦鏡頭 (Lens):
Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm/f 1.4 (Manual mode)
Nikon Zoom-Nikkor 35-70mm/f 3.5~4.8 
濾鏡 (Filters):
UV, Skylight
底片 (Film): Kodak UltraMax 400


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