雖然,這個小東西並不是攝影的必須品。有了它,我的右眼 (其實是右半臉) 在拍照時的確輕鬆不少
[This tiny stuff is not a must but it helps releasing my right eye, or siad my half right face, taking shots with SLR..:-)]

1. 切身之累 - 傳統底片單眼相機的對焦方式對於載眼鏡的人來說很累。
2. 敗家之癢 - 於 486的窩發現了解藥,而 R拍處竟也有人要賣;機緣巧合,豈能不敗?
    PS - 難得的是賣方連原廠的盒子都還在,又得感謝有一群人如此小心地珍藏這一小段歴史…
[I got it for my own very two reasons:
1. Reducing effort - Kinda exhausted for a guy who's always having a pair of glasses on.
2. Desire of collecting/shopping -  The cure found on a site, Nest of 486, plus it was on a bid at Ruten web site; So, why not when everything you need was in place for you?
    PS - Hard to believe that I could get this stuff with it's original package, how nice for such a small historical segment got well maintained with such a carefulness... ]

#1 - 對焦觀測鏡 (Focusing Aid, Eye-Cap)

這是前東德 PRAKTICA 廠所出產的「對焦觀測鏡」 (Focusing Aid, PRAKTICA DDR),這是我個人的稱呼啦… 也有人稱之為「接目鏡」。大部份配置了方形觀景窗的底片單眼相機應該都可以裝得上它。從486 網站中的圖片資訊顯示,PRAKTICA 對焦觀測鏡可以裝在自家的單眼相機上,而我將它安裝於 Nikon FM10 的相機上也一樣 OK 的!
[Made by PRAKTICA DDR, and I personally named it as "Focusing Aid"... some others might call it differently, such as, "eye-cap" or "eyepiece". It's applicable for most of SLR with a rectangle shape of viewfinder. Given info from the 486 site, it could be installed on a PRAKTICA LTL3 for sure yet I tried it on my own Nikon FM10 and it also work OK!]

#2 - Nikon FM10 加裝 PRAKTICA 對焦觀測鏡 [PRAKTICA Focusing Aid on Nikon FM10]

「PRAKTICA 對焦觀測鏡」可以簡單區分為兩個組成:
一、固定夾座 - 就是上圖中央有一個圓孔的金屬部份;從上方將固定夾座的卡榫沿方形觀景窗兩側的凹槽向下推至定位,就算安裝完成了。
二、放大目鏡 - 就是上圖中被掀至上方的黑色圓筒狀的物體;要確認對焦是否到位時,只須將放大目鏡向下翻至與固定底座接合即可。
["PRAKTICA Focusing Aid" is made up with two components:
1. Sitting Clip - it's a metal clip with a circule hole in its center; simply align the tracks at its both sides to the fillister of viewfinder, then push it down slightly till you hear a click and it's done.
2. Magnifying eyepiece - The black tube-like object shown in the photo above, hinged with the Sitting Clip. When it comes to check your focusing, just flip it over down to match the hole on the Sitting Clip and check your focus. ]

#3 - 確認對焦時的合體位置 [Working position of magnifying eyepiece]

由於「PRAKTICA 對焦觀測鏡」具備放大對焦中心區域的功能,所以在實務上的使用是:先將黑色的放大目鏡翻至其底座的上方以便從觀景窗中進行構圖;然後,再將放大目鏡下翻至合體的位置,並透過放大的對焦中心區域來確認 (或微調) 對焦的結果。
["PRAKTICA Focusing Aid" is to magnify the circule area in center of the viewfinder screen, so here's the way how it works: flipping the magnifying eyepiece over up so to get the composition through viewfinder, then flipping it over down to the working position and to check if the target in focus by fine tuning, if nevessary, the enlarged microprism collar or matte field. ]

#4 - 屈光度調整 (Dioptre Tunning)

這是令人拍案叫絕的附加設計!在放大目鏡上設有屈光調整的功能,藉由順時針或逆時針轉動目鏡來調整屈光度… 就算是不帶眼鏡也可以確認對焦是否精確。
[It's an extremely surprised design to have dioptre built-in on the magnifying eyepiece, by turning it clockwise or counterclockwise directly to change the dioptre to meet your needs... So no more glasses checking the focus.  ]

PS - 感謝老德,在這麼小又這麼古老的玩具上也貼心地加上這一個設計…
[PS - Thanks to German for a such a sweet design on such a little old 'toy' for ordinary camera man.]

時下各類數位相機的使用者 (不論是單眼或是消費型) 可能無法體會這個貼心的設計。因為數位相機的對焦結果,不論是 AF 或 MF,到頭來都會顯示到機背的超大液晶顯示屏上,使用者已無須操心屈光度調整的小問題了
[Well, it might not be a heart-touched design for a user using a Hi-tech digital product (DSLR or compact one). No matter it's in AF or MF mode, you can always choose to have the shooting target to be displayed on the LCD screen, which is huge comparing to the traditional viewfinder, at the back of your digital camera. No need to worry about dioptre issue... ]


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