今年少了「立春」這個節氣,二月天氣怪得緊 - 除了少晴多雨,還三不五時來個冷氣團。
能出門拍照的機會少了許多,就算出門,那光線似乎也差強人意 (至少對我這個新手而言如此…)
It has been raining days most the days in Feb. 2010, and sometimes bloody cold weather hitted the Island. Dam the light were poor when I was out with my cameras, bad luck, I was wondering.
我一天沒聽到快門聲就全身不對勁,碰到這樣的天氣只好在家找解藥:近攝蛇腹。第一次用它還真累:對焦對到腰酸背痛 + 眼快脫窗。總算擠出一些勉強可看的照片,秀一下囉…
I must be hauted by something, and felt everything wrong if I didn't do the focusing and trigger the shutter of a camera. So I managed to cure myself with my new toy - The Bellows. The first run was a killing experience, however, it did come up something for share...
#1 - 我的 BenQ 筆電小滑鼠 - 8.5 cm
My little BenQ mouse - real size 8.5 cm (L)
#2 - 天美時.手錶 - 直徑 3.75 cm
My TIMEX watch - real size: dia. 3.75 cm
#3 - 小瓷偶.女 - 7.7 cm
A little china-ware (girl) - 7.7cm (L)
#4 - 小瓷偶.男 - 7.7 cm
A little china-ware (boy) - 6.9cm (L)
#5 - 硬幣.新台幣拾圓 - 直徑 2.6 cm
NTD 10, a coin - dia. 2.6cm
攝影器材 || Gear Info :
Nikon FM10 | Nikon Bellows | Lenses: Nikkor 85mm /1.8 + Nikkor 55mm /1.2 | Tripod
Film: ILFORD PAN 100
Actually, I do own more than one bellows for different mounts - Nikon, M42, and Exakta.
Same goes with extension tubes.
Macro bellows is easier than the tubes, personal experiences.
- Mar 12 Fri 2010 13:51
微距習作 (Practicing macro shots)