Was an ordinary summer day, lazy cloud swiming in a breeze

cliff does a gaze into wild open, crossing a sea, a tide, and perhaps also in ruminating

Is wealth equal to $? for non-blivers take a detour, and climb you not.

since when, perhaps life's better at next stop?

what to do with the existings been built up for decades?

Something deep down inside you might be dismissed piece by piece (it won't die out but fading away...)

Time might take away what was belonging to you, same trick many many years before...

getting tired of mind wandering, so just packing up, hit the future or home (again)...
(思緒走著也累了.不如決心出發 或 依舊歸去.再次…)

with all you could take, through this gate, get on the train you pick and just move on...
PS - No one will check your bag here, so make sure you bring what you really want already

To see more images, please go to my Flicker... (LOL)
(其他/相關影像,請參觀我的 Flicker)

Gear Info:
Yashica Mat124G // ShangHai GP3 ISO 100 // Filters: Red / Orange / Yellow // Tripod // (Patience)


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