Been thinking to do the nature shots morming or evening when light's singing right...
It took me four times rushing to the spot at sea shore of Keelung the most northen end of Taiwan, for the right scene.

#1. 像是到了另一個世界? (in another world?)

#2 遠處那個應該是基隆嶼吧? (Keelung islet far in DoF?)

The lights changed her tone within just 50 minutes...
I think that I'll need to leave for the morning shots from home around 03:45 am next time.
(才不過 50 分鐘,色溫就從暖調轉為較明亮的冷調了…
我想下次必須要更早出門才對,清晨 03:45 出門的話還可以順路帶個美而美的早餐說。)

#3.  那天.06:26 am 時的藍天 (06:26 am when the blue sky in and the ships are line-up)

Other shots also in flickr...:-)
(有些照片也放到 Flickr 上囉,有空的話去看看… :-)

Gear Info:
1. Nikon FM10 // Nikkor 35~70mm, Kit Lens // Nikkor 50/F1.4 // Tripod
2. Fujifilm, color negative, ISO 100
3. Filters: Tian-Ya Orange, blue


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