Still in Black & White mood, as usual... just wondering if this could go quite a long time!
(依舊想用黑白底片… 這可能會持續很久一段時間吧!)

When it comes to a time with these vintages in hand, I know they can for sure do more than Black & White yet to follow the instinct to that very moment, it's the B&W one always got loaded... This time, doing so with an extra pulse:
--> Fuji Panchromatic 71112 FG 80D, B&W Neg 35mm Film (Motion Picture)

(每當拿出老相機和鏡頭時,知道它們在彩色底片上的表現絕不輸黑白底片;但在上片前的那一瞬間總是直覺地把黑白底片裝進相機裡… 這一次,另外還有一個令我躍躍欲試的原因:)
--> 富士黑白電影底片,Fuji 71112 FG, 35mm 80D (ISO 80,日光片)

Inspired by "Meditations in Monochrome" by William Neill, I am trying to explore more possibilities with the B&W photography using what I've already had - Vintage 135mm film cameras... "gelato affogato" a way sort of describing an economic measurement to deal with my learn-by-trial in a no-can-wait...
受「威廉.奈爾」的電子攝影書《單色冥想》的激發,迫不急待地想用手中現有的 135mm 銀鹽老相機,試著發覺黑白攝影的更多可能… 嗯,有點像用現成的香草冰淇淋搭配本來就有的濃縮咖啡 (espresso) 搭配出立刻就可以上桌的甜點:那種急切想要嘗試的心態… (更何況有未曾用過的新底片可以一起玩!) 

Got on my little motorbike, took the route onto N-E pole of the Island, snapped the shoots I felt something along my trip. Then, the evening lights and clouds did their daily shows while I finally stopped over an open coffee bar... (it was a fantastic day with such a reward from nature.)

#1. Water in cascading (小小小瀑布)

#2. Oil-painting like water on cascade-1 (油畫般的小小小瀑布-1)

#3. Watering down through rocks (穿越岩石間的水流)

#4. Oil-painting like water on cascade-2 (油畫般的小小小瀑布-2)

#5. A samll cascade (小瀑布)

#6. One angle observing a cascade through land (黃金瀑布一角)

#7. Human left over taken by nature (大自然接收老屋的進行式)

#8. Mountain ribs (有骨氣的山腰)

#9. Zero fighter as roof, why not? (零式戰機當屋頂,住在山上有什麼不可以?)

#10. Cloud & Light over land (天上雲光)

#11. Lights through clouds before calling a day (黃昏時的耶蘇光)

#12. Man-made lights decorating land after night fall (夜幕下改由百家燈火粧點大地)

Gear Info (攝影裝備)
Camera (相機):SLR, Fujica ST-801
Film (底片):Fuji Panchromatic 71112 FG 80D, B&W Neg 35mm Film (Motion Picture)
Lens/Object (鏡頭):
                  CZJ DDR, MC Flektogon 35mm / f2.4
                  Asashi Pentax SMC 50mm / f1.4
Filters (濾鏡):
                  Mandee Red Filter, 49mm (Red)
                  Mandee Blue Filter, 49mm (Blue)
                  Toshiba O56.2 (O2), 49mm (Orange)

                  B+W 52E 060 2X, 52mm (Yellow-Green)
                  Kenko ND-8, 49mm
                  Kenko CPL, 49mm
                  Kenko Snow cross, 49mm
                  * Step-up ring, SHANG YU TIAN YA, 49mm - 52mm
Flash (閃光燈):Not using (不使用)
Tripod (三腳架):Always

The film was manually developed and scanned-to-CD by "Daguerre Professional Lab", the lab is hosted by Max Chen. And thanks to Max, he's the one told me to set the ISO at 50 when taking shots with Fuji 71112 FG cine films to obtain a better result.
達蓋爾專業暗房工作室 (由暗房達人 Max 老師一家人共同主持) 手工底片沖掃。也特別感謝 Max 老師的耐心和分享 (使用 Fuji 71112 FG 黑白電影底片時,ISO 要設在 50)。
PS - ISO 50 = DIN 18

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