自從歷經上次《愛攝她首次試機》糗大後,就一直想著要檢討改進 (想翻盤) …
I've been trying to do the improvement taking photos with my vintage camera EXA-1 after a failure on its first trial run.. (actually, I'm refusing to believe it can not be well done)...

幾經思量,心想就算把「日光十六律」等各心法給背爛了,但人眼終究是感官、是器官而不是測光工具!鐵了心上網拍買了個「十分先進的」測光表 (POLARIS) ,並於《雅西卡 635 中片幅相機 - 試機首卷》測試驗證可行後,再次扛著 EXA-1 出門取景!
After thoughts, I finally come to a conclusion - even I could memorize well the known "Sunny 16 rules", human eyes are eventually of an organ for sense, instead of a measureing instrument (namely, they are more with purpose of enjoying images but for judging the exposure). Decisively, I bought a sort of advanced light meter - POLARIS. With some doubts though, I tested the meter with another vintage camera "Yashica 635 medium format camera", and obtained a fair results at her 1st trial so to be sure I could mamaned to do it right. Then the 2nd trial with EXA-1 could move on.

真的越來越喜歡老相機搭配黑白底片的感覺了,沒有亮麗超炫的功能、只有堅固耐用的機械、省卻了色彩的渲染鋪陳、單單灰階明暗構圖,就足以記錄鮮活點滴 (甚至可以創作)。尤其是像我這種頑固份子,非得要親身體現四、五十年前,在沒有電子相機/沒有傻瓜相機/沒有數位相機時前人攝影的甘苦況味!這種要命又累人的組合會讓人回到攝影的最原點。。。
I do love the outcomes came from a combination black & white films in a vintage camera...
You don't see charming and fancy functions, but only a durable and well-built mechanics; there is no amazing color expression in, but the composition with only gray scales, light and darkness might speak more than a snapshot itslef (creation sometimes even better). An old fashioned guy like me, I did insist to embody myself to the old days, 4 or 5 decades from now, and to taste what the photographers were in where there was no electronic camera/point-and-shot one/DC or DSLR! Yes, it's exhausted yet it also brings poeple back to the origin of photo-taking...

攝影裝備 (Gear's Info)
相機 (Camera) -
EXakta EXA-1 (SLR)
相機鏡頭 (Lens, Exakta mount) -
      Schneider Xenon 50mm / F1.9
      Schneider Xenon 50mm / F2.0 (w/ Tiffen Serier IV filters)
      A. Schacht Munchen, Travenar 85mm / F2.8
濾鏡 (Filters)
     Kenko Snow Cross
     Pentax color conversion, Orange, O56
     Pentax color conversion, Green, YG
     Pentax color conversion, Yellow, Y47
     Tiffen 82B (light blue)    
測光表 (Flash Meter) - POLARIS, ASPEN Corporation - Tokyo
閃光燈 (Flash) -
無.不使用 (N/A)
底片 (Film) - Kodak T-Max 400

這次一卷 135mm 底片洗出至少 36 張影像,分享幾張個人自以為還 OK 的影像如下:
This time, I got more than 36 images from a developed 135mm film, and posted some I deemed them as "not so bad". See below:

#1. 有雲層的夜景.台北市 (A night with cloud - Taipei)

PS - Schneider Xenon 50/2, F4: 1", Filter Tiffen 82B (2009-02-27)

#2. 小巷亭.有名的日式小吃攤.台北市 (A JPN style restaurante in a night market - Taipei )

PS - Schneider Xenon 50/2, F2.8:  1/60", Filter Tiffen 82B (2009-02-27)

#3. 樓上樓下一起力拼不景氣.麥當勞+肯德G.台北市 (RARE! Mac & KFC working together - Taipei)

PS - Schneider Xenon 50/2, F2.8:  1/60", Filter Tiffen 82B (2009-02-27)

#4. Bling-Bling 的車廂.台鐵區間車 (其實,相片會騙人的) [Shining feeling in a carriage - Taiwan local train - well, it was not so "bling-bling" actually]

PS - Schneider Xenon 50/1.9, F2.8:  1/60", Filter Y47 (2009-03-03)

#5. 門外是 295 km/h 的氣流.南下高鐵車廂氣密門 (Air flow in a speed of 295 Km/h out of this air locked gate - Taiwan Hi-Speed Railway, southern bound)
PS - Schneider Xenon 50/1.9, F2.8:  1/60", Filter O56 (2009-03-07)

#6. 高鐵停靠站.月台上的環保筒.台中站 (Don't know why I love this one? trash can on a platform - Estacion Tai-Chung)

PS - A. Schacht Munchen Travenar 85/2.8, F4:  1/125" (2009-03-07)

#7. 杭州南路上某大學側門.中正區.台北市 (Looking into a side door of a local university - Taipei)

PS - Schneider Xenon 50/1.9, F2.8:1/60", Filter Y47 (2009-03-11)

#8. 日據時代的木匾.古早味小館.汐止 (An aged wooden signborad not sure if it was kept since WWII  in a small restaurante in Shijih, Taipei county)
{The sign shows - Taiwan Land & Building Y.K.K - Taipei Branch}

PS - Schneider Xenon 50/1.9, F1.9:1/60", Filter Y47 (2009-03-11)

#9. 誇張的六線星芒效果.街景.汐止 (An image with a snow cross fitted - Shijih, Taipei county)

PS - Schneider Xenon 50/1.9, F2.8:1/30", Filter Y47 + Snow Cross (2009-03-12)

#10. 忠孝東路人行道.對面是監察院/後方是行政院.台北市 (An old style bike parked on a side walk - Taipei //** The builds in front of and behind it were built by JPN since the days before WWII **//)

PS - Schneider Xenon 50/1.9, F16:1/125", Filter Y47 (2009-03-13)

#11. 善男信女.行天宮的香爐之一.台北市 (A incense burner in "Hsingtien Temple" - Taipei)
PS - Schneider Xenon 50/1.9, F16:1/125", Filter YG (2009-03-13)

#12. 南派廟宇的屋頂建築樣式.行天宮出口 (青龍側).台北市 (The roof of "Hsingtien Temple" - It's a special style of Southern type - Taipei)

PS - Schneider Xenon 50/1.9, F11:1/125", Filter YG (2009-03-13)

其他的影像在這裡 (EXA-1 SLR - 2009.03)。 
For other images, click here.


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