進入台北縣汐止市的大同路近年來歴經整治 (拓寬、鐵路高架化、增設汐科站) …
[It has been years Shijih (a small town next to Taipei city where I'm living in) under civil engineering reconstruction - road's been widened, railway's off road , new station (Sike) within 5 min. walk from my apartment...
Thought that shopes/stores might be vanished after changes, yet surprisingly, they managed to get survived and some even in better shapes. I then see a persistent character Taiwanese got built into in our nature.]

[Not always availible, but sometimes a view from a high building, drawing a watcher merged into its sunset blue decorating with artificial stars called out another cozy night.]

同樣可遇不可求的是一家充滿著台灣五○年代風情的民風餐廳 - 五角菜飯。
[Since when, a small diner overflowing with it's unique and stylish 40's Taiwanese taste standing herslef out of the usual commodity - "The Five Cents".]
[It speaks itslef out, not in a humble way comparing to most of diners mentioned in Mr. KZ Suo's book "Poor People enjoys Food Better". Not only to her genuine Taiwanese food, but also her interior deco' could trigger a piece of memory already set aside for 40/50 years.]

[Let's skip food today, though a supposed-to-be discussing a diner place .]

[To try to reveal her interior taste/favor visually, photos below might be a way to say it...]

#1 - 五角菜飯.門面 (充滿台灣早期那種帶有日式風情的入口) [Front door - a mixture of Taiwanese and Japanese building styles, likely my grandpa's days.)

#2 - 五角菜飯入口右側.懷舊櫥窗 (好懷念圖中小時候曾用過的熱水壺呢…) [Right to its entrance, a showcase demonstrating the owner's collection - I miss that green vacuum bottle a similar one my grandpa was using.]

#3 - 進門後的黑板粉筆佈告欄.後方有部老式卡打車… (就是那種後座可以載豬肉,且配有腳剎車的「雙輪車」。想起我外公:他就是用這種卡打車載我去遊街的,但我不是。) [Hand-written manu with chalks on a black board the first thing after getting into it. Behind the menu, a really old bike is there - that's the kind of bike with foot break, and early Taiwanese used to chart huge piece of pork at a flatborad as its back seat. That bike really brings me back to my grandpa - as he did settle me at that board taking me out for his half day chatting and chess games, though I'm definitely never a "".]

#4 - 店內的櫃台 (一):記不記得上面的那一排紙國旗,小時候可是十分常見的呢![The Counter (1): The paper flags handing above a common deco' in schools when I was a kid.]

#5 - 店內的櫃台 (二):竟然還有「今日米價」的小黑板… [The Counter (2): did you see that little black borad with a form on it? That is an old pricing table for rice - rice price used to change from time to time 50 years before...]

#6 - 哇!我小時候還曾經用過這種「猴標火柴盒」玩火說 (也被我老爸狼狼 K 了一頓,印象所以深刻)
[WoW! look at that. I recalled that I did play with matches for some "fire fun" - My dad did give me a very hard lesson for kido shouldn't play with fire - I guess that it still hurts till now.]

#7 - 櫃台上方可以看到二樓牆壁的舊電影海報 (李小龍耶!又想起小時候全家去看「精武門」…) [A show bill on a wall above the counter - Oh, man... Bruce Lee's posters - I did enjoy the movie "Fist of Fury" with my brothers.]

#8 - 好復古的收銀台 (小小的木框玻璃櫃加上新樂園香煙…兒時記憶中的「柑仔店」不禁再次浮現) [A casher stand in an very old style, including those old cigarette boxes that had been out of market at least for 30 years... exactly the same small show case in a grocery store decades ago.]

註:其實,店內二樓有個和室餐桌,還有那種古裝片中常看到的木桌和板櫈以及「黑松大飯店」常見的大圓桌,簡樸而古意。照片日後再補囉… (我用古董相機在人家店內很龜毛地夜拍,總得先跟店頭家打聲招呼才好開拍!)
[Note: The diner also has a 2nd floor with Tatami room and old style wooden tables and benches, big and small. Unadorned and ancient. I'll need to see with the diner's owner for photo taking since I'm an slow/picky photo taker - try not to hold back diner's business while doing my fun!]

拍照器材使用 (Camera/Lens Spec.):
相機 (Camera) - PENTAX Sportmatic (M42)
鏡頭 (Objective) - Carl Zeiss Jena, Pencolar 50mm/F1.8 (M42)
底片 (Film) - FijiFilm ISO 200

(To be continued...)


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