

#1. 窗台上的沉思

Nikon FM10 || Nikkor 105mm f/2.5 || Fuji 71112 FG 80 D 電影底片 || 減感 ISO 50 拍 || 在家手工沖片


#2. 窗格中的凝視

Nikon FM10 || Nikkor 105mm f/2.5 || Fuji 71112 FG 80 D 電影底片 || 減感 ISO 50 拍 || 在家手工沖片


#3. 屋頂上的視若無賭

Nikon FM10 || Nikkor 105mm f/2.5 || Fuji 71112 FG 80 D 電影底片 || 減感 ISO 50 拍 || 在家手工沖片


#4. 不計較坦腹東床

Nikon FM10 || Nikkor 105mm f/2.5 || Fuji 71112 FG 80 D 電影底片 || 減感 ISO 50 拍 || 在家手工沖片


#5. 專注擺 pose

Nikon FM10 || Nikkor 105mm f/2.5 || Fuji 71112 FG 80 D 電影底片 || 減感 ISO 50 拍 || 在家手工沖片


#6. 完全不必怕生

Nikon FM10 || Nikkor 105mm f/2.5 || Fuji 71112 FG 80 D 電影底片 || 減感 ISO 50 拍 || 在家手工沖片


#7. 揚貴妃般的豐滿

Nikon F4S || Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 || AGFA APX 100 || 增感 2 格 || 在家手工沖片


#8. 貓味百分百的背對

Nikon F4S || Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 || AGFA APX 100 || 增感 2 格 || 在家手工沖片


#9. 隨緣客自便囉

Nikon F4S || Nikkor 85mm f/1.8 || AGFA APX 400 || 增感 2 格 || 在家手工沖片


#10. 自玩一二三木頭人

Nikon F4S || Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 || AGFA APX 100 || 增感 2 格 || 在家手工沖片


#11. 心情不好的時候

Nikon F4S || Nikkor 85mm f/1.8 || AGFA APX 100 || 增感 2 格 || 在家手工沖片


#12. 幻想自己鞋子不見

Nikon F4S || Nikkor 85mm f/1.8 || AGFA APX 400 || 增感 2 格 || 在家手工沖片



現在,除了尋貓地圖外,還有貓咪小公寓和貓友社的 sign 呢!

a. 貓咪特許.人類立入禁止

Nikon F4S || Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 || AGFA APX 100 || 增感 2 格 || 在家手工沖片


b. 彩色風車.貓友社招牌

Nikon F4S || Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 || AGFA APX 100 || 增感 2 格 || 在家手工沖片


以上只是底掃的數位版影像… 但如果您看過真正用傳統放大機的 8" x 10" 版的話,一定會想說 "怎麼差這麼多!?"。(我不是排斥數位影像,只是暗房放大做出來的相片真的就是不一樣!)

手工沖片哪裡學!? 底片攝影暗房的無窮魅力去那裡找人開示:


(順便幫 Max 老師打個廣告啦!兄弟姐妹們,還不快去打電話!?)

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Testing bring images from flickr with HTML code copied.

It has not been working no matter I copied and pasted the link, html, or BB codes directly from my flickr image for weeks. Yet it just worked today :-)

Here's one of my recent upload in three different sizes:

Medium size (332 x 500) - 1

Note: Only image without linking onto flickr

Medium size (425 x 640) - 2
Note: An image with link connecting onto the same one on flickr

Large size (680 x 1024) - 1
Note: An image with link connecting onto the same one on flickr

OK, maybe you knew this already, yet I would like to make this article as my 1st getting over. Now, I can only upload all my photos onto one single place and share them in my other site(s) when needed.

PS - It looked to me that IE got too smart to do this, I was doing this test in Google Chrome and got a success.

Yeee peeee!

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#1 - Doggy is convienced that he can fly for sure.

#2 - Mouse is on his way surfing.

#3 - Cat is doing Chinese Kong-Fu perfectly right!

真不敢想像當 Wii 出了 3D 版之後會是個什麼場面!?
Dud, can't image how it will go after Wii-3D got RTM-ed!?

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今年少了「立春」這個節氣,二月天氣怪得緊 - 除了少晴多雨,還三不五時來個冷氣團。
能出門拍照的機會少了許多,就算出門,那光線似乎也差強人意 (至少對我這個新手而言如此…)
It has been raining days most the days in Feb. 2010, and sometimes bloody cold weather hitted the Island. Dam the light were poor when I was out with my cameras, bad luck, I was wondering. 

我一天沒聽到快門聲就全身不對勁,碰到這樣的天氣只好在家找解藥:近攝蛇腹。第一次用它還真累:對焦對到腰酸背痛 + 眼快脫窗。總算擠出一些勉強可看的照片,秀一下囉…
I must be hauted by something, and felt everything wrong if I didn't do the focusing and trigger the shutter of a camera. So I managed to cure myself with my new toy - The Bellows. The first run was a killing experience, however, it did come up something for share...

#1 - 我的 BenQ 筆電小滑鼠 - 8.5 cm
       My little BenQ mouse - real size 8.5 cm (L)


#2 - 天美時.手錶 - 直徑 3.75 cm
       My TIMEX watch - real size: dia. 3.75 cm


#3 - 小瓷偶.女 - 7.7 cm
       A little china-ware (girl) - 7.7cm (L)


#4 - 小瓷偶.男 - 7.7 cm
       A little china-ware (boy) - 6.9cm (L)


#5 - 硬幣.新台幣拾圓 - 直徑 2.6 cm
       NTD 10, a coin - dia. 2.6cm


攝影器材 || Gear Info :
Nikon FM10 | Nikon Bellows | Lenses: Nikkor 85mm /1.8 + Nikkor 55mm /1.2 | Tripod
Film: ILFORD PAN 100

Actually, I do own more than one bellows for different mounts - Nikon, M42, and Exakta.
Same goes with extension tubes.
Macro bellows is easier than the tubes, personal experiences.

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時間:黃昏.18:00 +/-
日子:2009 年 8 月底.某週六
@: 汐止.新山.夢湖

#1.  與夕陽共階 (Walk with light)

#2. 婚紗照最愛的道具 (Swing over a water)

#3. 樹的類剪影 (Trees in Silhouette)

#4. 貞子出井時的第一眼…

#4. 寧靜.倒影 (calm in mirror)

#5. 木船 (small boat, off work)

攝影裝備 (Gear Info):
Yashica635 // Shanghai GP3 100 // Ploaris Flsh Meter // Tripod // Release Cable, traditional

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Was an ordinary summer day, lazy cloud swiming in a breeze

cliff does a gaze into wild open, crossing a sea, a tide, and perhaps also in ruminating

Is wealth equal to $? for non-blivers take a detour, and climb you not.

since when, perhaps life's better at next stop?

what to do with the existings been built up for decades?

Something deep down inside you might be dismissed piece by piece (it won't die out but fading away...)

Time might take away what was belonging to you, same trick many many years before...

getting tired of mind wandering, so just packing up, hit the future or home (again)...
(思緒走著也累了.不如決心出發 或 依舊歸去.再次…)

with all you could take, through this gate, get on the train you pick and just move on...
PS - No one will check your bag here, so make sure you bring what you really want already

To see more images, please go to my Flicker... (LOL)
(其他/相關影像,請參觀我的 Flicker)

Gear Info:
Yashica Mat124G // ShangHai GP3 ISO 100 // Filters: Red / Orange / Yellow // Tripod // (Patience)

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1. 德國的榮耀 極致經典Exakta Varex VX @ 486 的窩 (in Traditional Chinese)
2. Ihagee Kamerawerk Dresden, Germany (DDR) @ The Camera Site (in English)
3. Exakta CAMERAS 1933 - 1978, by Clement Aguila & Michel Rouah (Print, HOVE Collectors Books)
    PS - Said "The complete story of the pioneering SLR roll-film cameras and the world's first successful 35mm SLR.  Describes all models...."

這部相機操作起來蠻繁複的,除了快門有兩個設定環外,還必須自行手動測光 (沒有內建測光元件)…
如果要玩微距近攝,就必須加裝近攝接環或蛇腹,並上三角架提高解析度 (四、五十年前那來的防手震啊!)

分享一些用這部相機所拍出來的照片 (由於有以上各種牽託,客倌們將就著看看唄):

#1. 一公分的小花.近攝 - 1 (Close shot, flora in 1 cm size - 1)

#2. 一公分的小花.近攝 - 2 (Close shot, flora in 1 cm size - 2)

#3. 颱風兩週後的蓮花 (Lotus shot, two weeks after typhoon)

#4. 汐止.大尖山.岩石青苔和陽光 (Rocks with moss in light)

#5. 汐止.大尖山.遠眺台北 101 (Looking down to Taipei 101 from Mt. Da-Jean.)

嗯,用起來挑戰性十足,比起操作 TLR 有過之而無不及!


Gear Info:
Exakta Varex IIa // CZJ DDR Biotar 58/F2 // Film: Kodak Color 400 //
Filter: Kenko Green Field 55mm // Shutter release cable // Tripod

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These actaully are images from my attempt trying to take shots of Solar eclipse dated 2009-07-22, which a failure after developing them... Let's say these were the leftover recycling from my failed attempt - since what was done is done, nothing to hide and we people can simply turn angle by looking at a brighter side...

#1 - The brightest spot in center (the one looks like moon) actually the sun

#2 - Clouds got irretated by light (in abstract saying)

#3 - You might take this as a image of inner space of human body... (Assuming that you saw this a lot in programs from Discovery Channel)

Dude, use your imagiantion as possible as you would like to, name these your own way, then a freeman (or a free woman)!?

Fujica ST801 // CZJ DDR 35mm/f2.4 // Kodak TMY // ND8 x2 // Mandee Red Filter // Tripod


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Been thinking to do the nature shots morming or evening when light's singing right...
It took me four times rushing to the spot at sea shore of Keelung the most northen end of Taiwan, for the right scene.

#1. 像是到了另一個世界? (in another world?)

#2 遠處那個應該是基隆嶼吧? (Keelung islet far in DoF?)

The lights changed her tone within just 50 minutes...
I think that I'll need to leave for the morning shots from home around 03:45 am next time.
(才不過 50 分鐘,色溫就從暖調轉為較明亮的冷調了…
我想下次必須要更早出門才對,清晨 03:45 出門的話還可以順路帶個美而美的早餐說。)

#3.  那天.06:26 am 時的藍天 (06:26 am when the blue sky in and the ships are line-up)

Other shots also in flickr...:-)
(有些照片也放到 Flickr 上囉,有空的話去看看… :-)

Gear Info:
1. Nikon FM10 // Nikkor 35~70mm, Kit Lens // Nikkor 50/F1.4 // Tripod
2. Fujifilm, color negative, ISO 100
3. Filters: Tian-Ya Orange, blue

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在這個炎熱的夏天裡 (白天氣溫達攝氏 38 ~ 40 度),


註:不愛酸梅湯的人,有另一種吃法 -「醬牛肉燒餅 + 榨菜肉絲湯」也是一絕!


另:上圖中的小玻璃櫃裡,還有一些不一樣的驚喜… 記得也要試試。

1. 馬叔餅鋪 (楊桃文化)
2. 馬叔歷史

Note: Nikon FM10, Nikkor 50mm/1.4, B+W Pro1 Protector, and FujiFilm ISO 100

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